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ARPA Programs for Lead in Water, Lead-based Paint and Asbestos – Trainings and Webinars

The NC Division of Public Health’s Environmental Health Section has coordinated information sessions for local health departments on the recently launched American Rescue Act (ARPA) programs to rest, inspect, and mitigate lead in water, lead based paint and asbestos hazards in NC Public Schools and licensed child care facilities (Clean Water for Carolina Kids).

NCLEAD Training Webinars
Trainings were offered live at 9am on the 3rd Thursday of each month and was led by staff from the NC Division of Public Health, NC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. All webinars were recorded and archived for future reference.

Image of first PowerPoint slide from Clinical Lead Training2023 Clinical Lead Training Archive
The NC CLPPP offered a full-day training for clinical professionals to learn about lead screening and testing protocols, submission of samples and blood lead data, and educational resources.

Environmental Asthma Triggers Training
This live training for nurses was recorded on July 27, 2023. Viewers can earn contact hours for watching the entire recording. After watching, please complete the evaluation at:

Extreme Heat and Air Quality: Implications for Human Health Online Training Module
Public health professionals can learn about how extreme heat can exacerbate air pollution and recommendations for reducing exposure

Early Childhood Action Plan Webinar
Learn about the Early Childhood Action Plan from presenter, Rebecca Planchard, Senior Early Childhood Policy Advisor for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Webinar archived on 6/17/19.

Mold and Moisture Webinar
A webinar for people concerned about mold in their homes.
This webinar was created by the UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility.

Health and Energy Linked Programs Webinar
Learn about the Health and Environment Program organized by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) from Public Health Analyst, Ronald Denson Jr.

Science Cafe: Health Effects of E-Cigarettes
How do they work, what do they contain, and what kind of potential health effects could they induce? Watch this recording to hear Dr. Ilona Jaspers share her research on the health effects of e-cigarettes.

Lead Sources Library lists spices, herbal remedies, ceremonial powders, and cosmetics that may contain lead. This library can be sorted by category and provides an image of each item with a brief description.

North Carolina County Resources Library lists agencies and organizations that may be able to assist with housing, environmental hazards and other needs, for each county and statewide.

national-center-for-healthy-housingNational Center of Health Housing is a national nonprofit corporation that works to ensure healthy and safe homes for children and families through research, training and education programs, and policy work.

ncdhhs-blueNorth Carolina Department of Health and Human Services divisions and programs coordinate environmental health, clinical and outreach services for the improved environmental health of homes, child care centers, schools and other buildings occupied by children and families.

UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Environmental Health and Sustainability (CEHS) promotes innovative and interdisciplinary research aimed at reducing the burden of environmental disease and translates that research to enhance the knowledge of public health professionals and susceptible populations.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) promotes a comprehensive approach to addressing environmental health hazards in homes, as part of its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.

Uus-epa.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) works to protect citizens from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work through research, regulation enforcement, education and partnerships.