Wayne County Resources
Listed below are agencies and organizations that may be able to assist with housing, environmental hazards and other needs.
Addressing Home Hazards
Disaster Recovery
Wayne County Long-Term Disaster Recovery
Tara Humphries: 919-739-7002 or disasterrecovery.waynenc@gmail.com
Pest Management
NC Cooperative Extension: 919-731-1521
Smoking Prevention
Allyson Smith at the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch: 252-902-2438
Housing Assistance
Catholic Charities: 919-947-0802
Eastern Carolina Regional Housing Authority: 910-592-3129
Goldsboro Housing Authority: 919-735-4226
Habitat for Humanity: 919-736-9592
Mount Olive Housing Authority: 919-658-6682
Wilson Housing Authority: 252-291-2245
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
Care Coordination for Children (CC4C): 919-731-1305
Pregnancy Care Management: 919-731-1305
WIC Clinic: 919-731-1276
Developmental Screenings/ Early Intervention Services
Children’s Developmental Services: 252-737-1177
Public Health and Environmental Health
Environmental Health Department: 919-731-1174
Health Department: 919-731-1000
Lisa Johnson at the Eastern Carolina Asthma Prevention Program (ECAPP): 252-847-6834
Office of the Fire Marshal: 919-731-1416
Social Services/Legal Assistance
Department of Social Services: 919-580-4034
Legal Aid of North Carolina: 252-291-6851