Orange County Resources
Listed below are agencies and organizations that may be able to assist with housing, environmental hazards and other needs.
Addressing Home Hazards
Pest Management
NC Cooperative Extension: 919-245-2050
Smoking Prevention
April Richard, Tobacco Prevention and Control Coordinator: 919-245-2424
Freshstart Classes (Free): 919-245-2480
Housing Assistance
Catholic Charities: 919-286-1964
Chapel Hill Department of Public Housing: 919-968-2743
Interfaith Council: 919-929-6380
Orange County Housing Department Locations
300 W. Tryon Street Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone: 919-245-2490
2501 Homestead Road Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Telephone: 919-245-2490
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
Care Coordination for Children (CC4C): 919-245-2400
Postpartum/ Newborn/ Family Home Visiting: 919-245-2442
WIC Clinic: 919-245 2422
Developmental Screenings/ Early Intervention Services
Children’s Developmental Services: 919-560-5600
Public Health and Environmental Health
Emergency Preparedness: 919-245-6100
Environmental Health Department: 919-245-2360
Health Department: 919-245-2400
Orange County Healthy Homes Program
Krishnaveni Balakrishnan, Orange County Healthy Homes Coordinator: 919-245-2379
Free healthy homes visits are provided for Orange county residents with children under 18 with asthma.
Refugee Health/ Immigrant Services
Church World Service: 919-680-4310
Immigrant/Refugee Health: 919-245-2387
Lutheran Services Carolinas: 919-832-2620
UNC Center for Latino Health: 919-966-5800
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants: 919-334-0072
Social Services/Legal Assistance
Department of Social Services Locations
113 Mayo Street Hillsborough, NC 27278 Telephone:919-245-2800
2501 Homestead Road Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Telephone: 919-245-2800
Legal Aid of North Carolina: 919-542-0475