Nash County Resources
Listed below are agencies and organizations that may be able to assist with housing, environmental hazards and other needs.
Addressing Home Hazards
Disaster Recovery
Twin County Disaster Recovery Group (TCDRG)
Rev. Peter Gilliland:
Carolyn Stern:
Pest Management
NC Cooperative Extension: 252-459-9810
Smoking Prevention
Michelle Mulvihill at the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch: 919-250-1171
Housing Assistance
Catholic Charities: 252-355-5111
Rocky Mount Housing Authority: 252-977-3141
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
Care Coordination for Children (CC4C): 252-459-9819
WIC Clinic: 252-459-1325
Developmental Screenings/ Early Intervention Services
Children’s Developmental Services: 252-443-0318
Public Health and Environmental Health
Environmental Health Department: 252-459-9829
Fire Services: 252-459-1204
Health Department: 252-459-9819
Lisa Johnson at the Eastern Carolina Asthma Prevention Program (ECAPP): 252-847-6834
Social Services/Legal Assistance
Department of Social Services: 252-459-9818
Legal Aid of North Carolina: 252-291-6851