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Mango Powder

Amchur powder, also known as mango powder, which is one of the fruity spice powders that is made from dried unripe green mangoes. It is added to several popular Punjabi dishes like chole, rajma, and aloo partha to mention a few to get that tangy flavour and bit of sourness. Generally, souring agents like lime, tamarind and kokum are not used in North Indian cuisines, while these flavouring agents are commonly used in western and South Indian cooking.

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Amchur powder is typically used when the mangoes are out of season, to boost that tangy hint and nutrition to the foods and drinks. Though sour, it is yet sweet to taste with tart pale beige to brownish colour and is widely used to add extra zest to the dishes and tweaked for lemon. Amchur powder is loaded with vast reserves of nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E and antioxidants and a great source of iron that offers therapeutic and medicinal benefits. Amchur powder is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating indigestion, regulating diabetes, pumping iron stores, and boosting skin and hair health.

Well, amchur powder is known by vernacular names such as Amchur, Amchoor, and Amachoor in Hindi, Amera in Bengali, Keri in Gujarati, Ona Mavu in Kannada, Suka Amb in Punjabi and Marathi, Manga podi in Malayalam, Mangai Podi in Tamil, and Mamidikaya Pudi in Telugu.


Amchur Powder/Dry Mango Powder: Health Benefits. Nutrition, Uses, Recipes and Side Effects (

A Preliminary Study on the Adulteration in Spice of Unripe Mango Powder in India 

Pediatric Lead Exposure From Imported Spices and Cultural Powders