Edgecombe County Resources
Listed below are agencies and organizations that may be able to assist with housing, environmental hazards and other needs.
Addressing Home Hazards
Disaster Recovery
Twin-County Disaster Recovery Group (TCDRG)
Rev. Peter Gilliland: phgilliland@juno.com
Carolyn Stern: carolyn.stern3@redcross.org
Pest Management
NC Cooperative Extension: 252-641-7827
Smoking Prevention
Michelle Mulvihill at the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch: 919-250-1171
Housing Assistance
Princeville Housing Authority: 252-823-3889
Redevelopment Commission: 252-823-6339
Rocky Mount Housing Authority: 252-977-3141
Catholic Charities: 252-355-5111
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
Care Coordination for Children (CC4C): 252-641-7511
WIC Clinic Locations
122 E St James St, Tarboro, NC 27886 Telephone: 252-641-7561
155 Atlantic Ave, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Telephone: 252-985-1067
Developmental Screenings/ Early Intervention Services
Children’s Developmental Services: 252-443-0318
Public Health and Environmental Health
Health Department Locations
122 E St James St, Tarboro, NC 27886 Telephone: 252-641-7511
155 Atlantic Ave, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Telephone: 252-985-4100
Environmental Health Department: 252-641-7573
Department of Emergency Services: 252-641-7816
Kristin Lamm, Respiratory Therapist Case Manager: 252-641-7382
Social Services/Legal Assistance
Department of Social Services: 252-641-7988
Legal Aid of North Carolina: 252-291-6851