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Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause death in minutes if breathed in. CO is produced by portable generators and other combustion equipment like camp stoves, lanterns, or charcoal burning devices.

person stirring pot on gas stove

Health Effects

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include: dizziness, headaches, nausea, and tiredness. If carbon monoxide is breathed in, it is important to get to fresh air immediately and seek medical attention.


Printable Resources

Protect your family from carbon monoxide exposure English factsheet
*NEW* Protect Your Family from CO Exposure (English)
Protect your family from carbon monoxide exposure Spanish factsheet
*NEW* Protect Your Family from CO Exposure (Spanish)


OSHA fact sheet on using portable generators safely
OSHA Using Portable Generators Safely
carbon monoxide hazards English fact sheet
CDC Carbon Monoxide Hazard (English)
When the power goes out, keep your generator outside English fact sheet
CDC Keep Your Generator Outside (English)
carbon monoxide hazards Spanish fact sheet
CDC Carbon Monoxide Hazard (Spanish)
When the power goes out, keep your generator outside Spanish fact sheet
CDC Keep Your Generator Outside (Spanish)